The Hecovan working group, what is it?

The Hecovan working group at the Radboudumc hospital in Nijmegen was established in the year 1991 by pediatric surgeon Dr. Paul N.M.A. Rieu. This working group, by now named HECOVAN (Radboudumc Expertise centre for HEmangiomas and COngenital VAscular malformations Nijmegen) has since been gathering extensive knowledge and experience regarding hemangiomas and vascular malformations. The working group brings together medical specialists from the fields of: dermatology, (interventional) radiology, plastic surgery, vascular surgery, pediatrics, pediatric surgery and oral- and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS). If necessary, additional consultation with neurologists, internists, ophthalmologists (eye doctors), ENT specialists or orthopedists takes place.

The Hecovan working group, what does it do?

  • providing diagnosis and treatment of hemangiomas and vascular malformations.
  • providing care and counselling of patients with such disorders.
  • expand knowledge and expertise through scientific research.
  • spread knowledge and awareness through education.

The Hecovan working group, how does it work?

The team convenes every third Thursday of the month to discuss case studies, followed by peer consultation with the dermatologist and plastic surgeon. The medical specialists call in colleages from other disciplines when needed. Together they make a diagnosis and consider which treatment is best.

Medical specialists, both from within Radboudumc or from outside, are encouraged to approach the Hecovan working group for advice on diagnosis, treatment and care in this field of expertise.

Referral to Hecovan working group

Your own GP or specialist may refer you to one of Hecovan’s specialists. This team member will ensure that your patient’s record is discussed at the case study hearing or, alternatively, that you will be able to personally attend Hecovan’s joint consultation hours.

Healthcare providers of the Hecovan group

First row: Dr C van der Vleuten, dermatologist & chairperson Hecovan, Prof Dr L Schultze Kool, interventional radiologist, Dr B Verhoeven, pediatric surgeon, Prof Dr D Ulrich, plastic surgeon, Dr M te Loo, pediatric hemato oncologist and pharmacologist, V van de Crommert, nurse specialist, Dr E Klappe vascular medicine, Dr B Sjouke vascular medicine
Second row: Dr. U Flucke, pathologist, Dr. W Klein, radiologist, Dr. H Daniels, pediatric surgeon, Dr. T de Jong, plastic surgeon, Dr. J Fuijkschot, pediatrician, I van Rijnsoever, nurse specialist, Dr. J Honigs, ENT doctor, Dr E Dik, dental surgeon
Third row: Dr. M Kempers, clinical geneticist, Dr. JJ Janssen, interventional radiologist, L Weijers-Janssen, Physician Assistant pediatric hematology, R Praster, Physician Assistant & Phlebologist, Dr. S Renes, anaesthesiologist & pain doctor, Dr. L van Vlimmeren, physical therapist, Dr. S Keijser, ophthalmologist, Dr. C Coppen, dental surgeon
Fourth row: Dr A Eijkelenboom, clinical molecular biologist, Dr R Mann, interventional radiologist, Dr I vd Geest, orthopedist, Dr V Harbers, postdoc & research doctor, Drs F Bouwman, research doctor, Prof dr J Malagon, pediatric anaesthesiologist, L Rijken, bandagist, Dr W Weijs, dental surgeon

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